
Jeff Crawford Design
phone: 828.301.5138 email:

I have another site devoted to interior house renovation.
I'm a jack of all trades. Check it out:


Welcome to my portfolio. My name is Jeff Crawford. I'm a graphic designer specializing in marketing, development, medicine, and entertainment. Check out my jeff crawford cv page for all the nuts and bolts information about me.

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Rather than show a ton of work with lengthy descriptions that sell and schmooze, I'm serving up a few sample pieces I have designed and produced to whet your appetite.

The design work is half the battle. The most important challenge for you is to find the right fit–a designer who surprises you AND gives you what you need to get the job done. Well done. I like mine a little on the rare side.

I look forward to providing you with both.

Now on to the fun stuff...